The Rim Country Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, voluntary membership organization of business and professional people and individuals who work together to build and sustain a better community. Membership creates a better community in which to live and in which to conduct business by pursuing specific goals identified by the membership, board of directors and staff.
Membership in the local chamber offers numerous benefits and keeps business owners on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within their community and local marketplace.
Why Become A Member?

Networking Opportunities
The Chamber has a number of committees and serving on one of them provides great networking opportunities and can be a great source of professional development.

Customer Referrals
Every day, The Chamber receives calls from individuals and businesses looking for potential vendors, and chamber members typically recommend chamber members.

Chamber Events
The Chamber hosts a number of events and programs which provide members great opportunities to get to know the people of our community.

With a membership to the Rim Country Chamber of Commerce, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising as well as find business-to-business publicity.